We understand that online sales have streamlined and are the new gold given the buyer journey and sales process has evolved in recent times however its merely scratching the surface leaving you with untapped market potential.
Online sales leads have dropped due to a more competitive market where buyers are making decisions prior to your call. On a cold call you as a business have the opportunity to go out build rapport quickly develop the relationship before decisions are held increasing the chances for a successful sales lead positioning you as a business with more precision throughout the buyer journey.
If we take into account the costs associated with being visible online through paid advertising and socials the expense measured against the amount of information presented to buyers in an increasingly competitive market with increase in competition the quality of sales leads online have fallen resulting in customers leaning with decisions without any real consult from you as a business.
The costs per click and being consistent in the advertising process vs the number of sales leads generated, the quality, the costs to then engage and convert the lead into a sale in todays more competitive environment can be challenging.
Now when reaching out directly to new businesses you as a provider have the opportunity of building that rapport and relationship upfront making sure clarity and a concise understanding of your strengths and services are understood.
On a live cold call both parties are now engaging in real conversations setting the agenda and expectations providing a market consensus and if the seller or provider has in fact done their homework and know their prospect all to well the call should eventuate to a sales opportunity, resulting in further discovery.
On the cold outreach you can also access valuable market insights and gauge quickly whether you’re a reputable fit for the prospect whether there’s a need either in the present or for future. So now let’s challenge the associated costs between the inbound versus the outbound. On the outbound we have certain rules of engagement in order for it to work and be cost effective.
1. Know your market
2. Have a list of prospects and their correct information mobile etc
3. Have a compelling business case to share
4. Specific allocated time blocks for cold calls
5. A cloud based phone system fully integrated with both LinkedIn and your CRM to capture calls placed and relevant information
6. Professionals whom can hold intelligent meaningful conversations without the need of scripts and without the urge to sell quickly but build quality rapport
On the inbound time, energy, efforts and the expense of keeping up with seasonal online advertising campaigns
1. Design, research and keywords needed
2. Regular daily updates
3. Regular monitoring of online performance clicks views messages
4. Constant viewing and policing adapting to any immediate changes with no guarantee that quality leads are received
5. Regular changes to content and meta descriptions due to the increase in competition
Note: We all agree that being visible and active online is important yes to a degree. However with our experience and a robust system in place given the above essentials are ticked we can guarantee businesses on what to expect upfront with any campaign or project the level of sales leads delivered.
As you can see if we’re to look at the overall costs to the sales process considering the majority of businesses sit in a saturated competitive market we’ve witnessed an increase in demand for our B2B lead generation prospecting program a robust system equipped to engage a consistent delivery of quality sales leads and opportunities.